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Alguns conflitos começados entre 1940 e 1979 |
Nome dado ao conflito |
Datas do conflito |
Tipo de conflito |
Países, Governos e grupos envolvidos |
Detalhes |
Timor-Leste Invasão e Resistência |
1976 -1999 | Depending on whose side you take, it is either an Inter-State War, or an Internal Rebellion. | Indonesia and pro-Indonesia Timorese militias vs. East Timorese guerrillas |
In 1976, Portugal decided to give independence to its East Timor colony. Indonesia invaded, claiming all of the island belonged to Indonesia. East Timor guerrillas have conducted a low-level insurgency ever since. |
Guerra do Sahara Ocidental | 1975-Presente (A truce has been in place since 1991, but a peace deal has not yet been reached). | Depending on whose side you take, it is either an Inter-State War, or an Internal Rebellion. | Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (Polisario guerrilla army of the Saharawi people) vs. Morocco and Mauritania (Mauritania left the war in 1979) |
The Western Sahara is a former Spanish colony. When the Spanish left, Morocco and Mauritania seized the area and the native Saharawi began a struggle for independence. |
Guerra Civil de Angola | 1975-Presente | Civil War and Foreign Intervention. | Angolan Government (MPLA Party) vs. UNITA Rebels
(In the earlier stages of the war, both Cuba and South Africa sent combat troops to Angola). |
After jointly fighting for independence against Portugal, these two rebel groups fell into civil war over control of Angola. In the '70's and '80's, the MPLA accepted aid from Cuba and the Soviet Union, while UNITA took aid from South Africa and the United States. |
Rebelião Oromo [Etiópia] | 1973?-Present | Internal Ethnic Rebellion. | Ethiopian Government vs. Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) |
Long-running rebellion by the Oromo Liberation Front. The OLF is currently allied to Eritrea, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and with the Aideed clan in Somalia--all of which are fighting the Ethiopian regime. |
Conflito da Irlanda do Norte | 1969-Present | Internal ethnic/religious conflict. | British government and pro-British militias vs. Irish Republican Army (IRA) and other groups. |
This is the latest in a very long series of conflicts fought by Britain in Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom, with a Protestant majority loyal to London. The Irish Catholic minority has sought to break away and join the Irish Republic in the southern part of the island. The IRA and others have conducted a largely urban guerrilla campaign since 1969. Peace talks have been under way for some time. |
Guerra Civil Colombiana | 1960's-Present | Civil War. | Colombian Government vs. Marxist Guerrillas and Narcotics Crime Cartels. |
Marxist Guerrillas began a Cuban-like insurgency in the 1960's, which continued at a fairly low level until the '90's, when the strength of the guerrilla groups increased due to their de facto alliance with narcotics-producing crime cartels. |
Conflito Separatista Basco [Espanha] | 1958-Present | Ethnic Separatist Rebellion. | Spanish and French governments vs. Basque Fatherland and Liberty guerrilla group. (ETA) Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna in Basque. |
At least from the early 1960's, the ETA has waged an urban guerrilla movement against the Spanish government. The organization's goal is independence for the Basque region of northern Spain and southwestern France. Some operations have taken place in France, causing Paris and Madrid to cooperate. Approximately 800 deaths are attributed to the ETA's campaign. |
Guerras Civis de Myanmar [Birmânia] | 1940's-Presente | Ethnic and Political Rebellions. | Burmese (Myanmar) Government vs. Various Ethnic Guerrilla armies, Political Dissidents and Narcotics Cartels. |
In Earth's longest-running and perhaps most complex conflict, several different ethnic groups attempted to secede in the years following World War 2. Most of these groups continue the struggle to this day, along with political dissidents who took up arms after a 1988 coup. Some areas of northern Burma have been controlled by Narco-guerrillas harvesting opium, which the government has attempted to halt. |