
Conflitos começados entre 1990 e 1998

Nome dado ao conflito

Datas do conflito

Tipo de conflito

Países, Governos e grupos envolvidos


Operação Raposa do Deserto Dezembro de 1998 Entre Estados




EUA e Reino Unido bombardeiam o Iraque


Rebelião Tuareg [Niger] Setembro 1999 Rebelião Étnica interna

Governo do Niger vs. Rebeldes Tuareg

Os combates começam em setembro aquando os líderes Tuareg acusam o governo de renegarem um acordo de paz que pôs fim a uma anterior rebelião (1991-1995).
Revolta Militar Georgiana 1998 Rebelião Militar interna

Governo Georgiano


Rebeldes do exército

A Revolta do Exército começou a 19 de Outubro de   1998 e foi esmagada pelas forças governamentais num dia.
Intervenção no Lesotho pela África do Sul e pelo Botswana


Teve início a 21 de Setembro de 1998 Rebelião Militar e intervenção estrangeira

Governo do Lesoto, África do Sul e Botswana


Lesotho Army rebels

Responding to unrest in Lesotho, South Africa and Botswana invade and occupy the tiny African kingdom. The South African military endures significant criticism for its handling of the affair.
U.S. Embassy bombings and strikes on Afghanistan and Sudan [The bin Laden War] Início de Agosto de 1998 Conflito Terrorista

U.S.A., Quénia e Tanzânia


organização bin Laden, Afeganistão e Sudão

The embassy bombings in August, 1998 by Osama bin Laden caused hundreds of deaths in Kenya and Tanzania. The U.S. retaliated by launching Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at suspected terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan.
Congo War Agosto de 1998 até ao Presente Guerra Civil e intervenção estrangeira

The government of Congo/Zaire, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Chad along with rebel groups from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi


Congolese Rebels, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi

One of the largest and potentially most destabilizing wars in African history began in August of 1998 with an attempt to overthrow Laurent Kabila, the new leader of Congo. What began as just another Congolese civil war though, has turned into a major regional conflict, with the military forces of at least seven nations battling in the nation formerly known as Zaire.
Conflito fronteiriço entre a Arábia Saudita e o Yemen 1998 Guerra entre estados, grerra fronteiriça

Arábia Saudita



Border conflict between two neighbors who have never gotten along.


Yemeni Tribal Uprising 1998 Internal Rebellion.

Yemeni Government


Tribal Rebels

Rebellion by rural tribesmen protesting the poor economy. Interference by the Saudis alleged.
Guinea-Bissau Civil War and Intervention 1998-1999 Civil War and Foreign Intervention.

Guinea-Bissau Government, Senegal and Guinea-Conakry


Guinea-Bissau Army Rebels

An army rebellion broke out against the Guinea-Bissau government. Neighboring Senegal and Guinea-Conakry sent troops to aid the government. Despite this aid, the rebels appear to be in control of the country.
Kosovo War 1998-1999 Internal Ethnic Rebellion and Foreign Intervention.

Yugoslav/Serbian Government vs. Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Rebels and NATO

The latest round of the Yugoslav Civil War (or Third Balkan War), began as another ethnic rebellion against Serbian authority. NATO intervened to halt what it said was the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, turning this backwater war into a relatively significant air campaign leading to the liberation of the province.
The Second Eritrea-Ethiopia War 1998-Presente Inter-State War.

Eritrea vs. Ethiopia

Border war between two heavily armed east African neighbors with a lot of history between them. Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 following a 30-year guerilla war.
Nepalese Insurgency 1996- Presente Internal Rebellion.

Nepal Government vs. Rebels

Maoist Guerrillas seek to overthrow the Nepal monarchy.


Rwanda Civil War 1994- Presente Civil War/Ethnic Conflict.

Rwanda Government vs. Hutu Rebels

The current government is dominated by the Tutsi tribe, which overthrew the old government dominated by the Hutu tribe. Before losing power, the Hutu rulers and their militia massacred over half a million people. The Hutu's now conduct a guerrilla war against the Tutsi government from bases in the Congo.
Burundi Civil War 1994- Presente Civil War/Ethnic Conflict.

Burundi Government vs. Hutu Rebels

The Tutsi-dominated government is fighting Hutu rebels.
Zapatista Uprising (also known as the Chiapas Conflict) Jan. 1, 1994- Presente Civil War/Ethnic Conflict.

Mexican Government vs. Zapatista Rebels

Zapatista rebels, most of whom are Mexican Indians, launched a rebellion in the Southern state of Chiapas. Though no outright fighting has taken place since a cease-fire in late January, 1994, tensions remain as negotiations take place.
Algerian Civil War 1992- Presente Civil War

Algerian Government vs. Islamic Rebels (Armed Islamic Group (GIA) and the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC).

After the Islamic Salvation Front won national elections in 1992, the military annulled the elections and the winning party's military wing, The Islamic Salvation Army (AIS), began a bloody rebellion. The AIS surrendered in June, 1999, but other groups continue to fight the government.
Egyptian Muslim Rebellion 1992- Presente Urban Guerrilla War

Egyptian Government vs.

Gama'a al-Islamiya (Islamic Group) rebels.

Fundamentalist Muslim rebels seek to topple the secular Egyptian government. At least 1,200 People have perished since the beginning of the rebellion.
U.S. Iraq Conflict 1991- Present Inter-State Conflict.

Iraq vs. United States and Britain

Somali Civil War 1991-Presente Civil War/Clan Warfare with Foreign Intervention.

Various Somali clans and militia groups.

The Somali government ceased to exist following the 1991 overthrow of dictator Siade Barre. Rival Somali groups fight for advantage but the net result is anarchy. In late 1991.
Afghanistan Civil War Início dos anos 90-Presente Civil War.

Current Afghan Government (the Taliban) vs. Remnants of Former Government

In the latest stage of a civil war that really has raged since 1979, the Taliban, who currently control the capital and are the de facto government, are fighting at least two "rebel" armies in the north. These rebels were aligned (mostly) with the government overthrown by the ultra-religious Taliban movement.


Kurdish Rebellion [Iraq] 1991- Presente Internal Ethnic Rebellion.

Iraqi Government vs. Kurdish Rebels

Following Iraq's defeat in the Second Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), Iraq's Kurds rebelled, seeking independence. This is the latest in a long series of Kurdish uprisings.
Shiite Rebellion [Iraq] 1991- Presente Internal Ethnic Rebellion.

Iraqi Government vs. Southern Shiite Rebels

Following Iraq's defeat in the Second Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), Iraq's Shiites, a religious minority, rebelled against the government. Low level guerrilla warfare continues in the southern marshes.
Kashmir War & Indo-Pakistan Border Conflict 1991-Presente Inter-State Conflict and Internal Rebellion.

India vs. Pakistan and Muslim Kashmir Guerrillas

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, and a Kashmiri rebel movement is aided by Pakistan. Intermittent clashes along the border nearly turned into full-scale war in the summer of 1999.